Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I LOVE YOU ISSUE NO. 3 out Dec. 21st

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Printed Matters | I Love You Magazine
By Judith Puckett-Rinella
These days, when everything is moving toward the Web — especially the magazine publishing industry — it’s nice to see a new print magazine that was born from the Web: Christiane Bördner’s magazine I Love You. I Love You was originally inspired by her blog of the same name. The second issue, which recently came out, is available for sale at Colette in Paris, Opening Ceremony in New York and Los Angeles, and a handful of shops in Germany, the U.K., Sweden and Australia. With pages featuring clever quotes, gorgeous still lifes and forward-looking fashion, I had to know more, so I interviewed the Berlin-based Bördner, whose partner, Marcus Gaab, is a longtime contributor to T magazine.
How did you come up with the name I Love You?
Christiane Bördner: Not kidding, but it all started with an article I read in your magazine, T, about a year ago. It was about very young fashion bloggers turning the fashion world upside down. After reading it I started researching all the fashion blogs and was thinking about an identification shift. I like the idea that consumers produce for consumers — and in the end, we trust our friends more than a brand, of course. I read that in 10 years 50 percent of the entertainment will be produced by consumers itself, and you can see it’s already happening with things like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. I am sure younger generations prefer to read the news on Facebook than the newspapers.

I Love You is very intimate and personal and describes a feeling, not very easy to pinpoint.
Usually it is said very rarely, but I want to cry it out, to create emotions. Everybody wants to be loved, but you have to start first. I Love You is my personal point of view on fashion and lifestyle — like a blog, but printed.

You talk about what the future holds as far as media and communication. What made you want to print a blog in a traditional magazine format? Isn’t that the reverse approach?
Yes, it is! Cry! No, honestly, there is nothing more beautiful for me than photography on paper, in a book, on the wall. My heart beats for magazines, photography, and I love paper — that’s why I choose this medium. I started my career as art director doing CD-ROMs, which was very successful, but I decided not to focus on multimedia and online. I never got the satisfaction I get when I am doing printed stuff. Magazines might change and be pushed into another direction content-wise, and there is no need to buy a newspaper anymore — you can get all the information online. I’m sure in a couple of years we will be online everywhere, but I hope there will be always an interest in beautiful printed stuff. TV didn’t kill the cinema. Instead, it established a new form of art and they didn’t need to show news anymore at the theaters. I Love You should be a visual experience, but it’s also about touching and smelling the paper. It’s very sensual. For me, the magazine format is the perfect medium to express the “I love you” idea.Friday, October 2, 2009
SA 03.10.09
Roundtable starts at 16.30h
do you read me?!
Magazine und Lektüre der Gegenwart
Auguststrasse 28
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

By Black Forest
‘WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL’, ‘WOMEN ARE SEXY’, ‘WOMEN ARE CLEVER AND INTELLIGENT’… These are some of the mantras which mark the birth of the very new, female only, creative fashion magazine. For women, written by women, this is ‘I Love You’ magazine. Like no other. Read the inspiring interview with editor in chief Christiane Bördner, and her views on female creativity in a male dominated magazine world.
TMC: What is ‘I Love You’ magazine?
CB: ‘I Love You’ is a fashion magazine for women, about everything I think women would love to see. There are not a lot of creative women’s magazines from a woman’s point of view. It is a printed blog and therefore it has a very personal point of view – my point of view.
TMC: What inspiration gave birth to ‘I Love You’?
CB: I like the idea that private blogs are more and more taking over. The idea that labels will start to send young 17 year old girls in Texas shoes and bags, hoping they would post it, which means that those young women have the power to raise sales. Magazines will change a lot in the future, the younger generations don’t trust advertising anymore, and the internet will push the publication industry in another direction.
Magazines will remain as something special and luxurious. It will no longer be important to print news on paper; things worth printing might have to be long lasting. I love to see fashion and great photography printed on paper this is my passion. Magazines have always been my inspiration and I always wanted to come up with my own magazine. I don’t have any reputation in the magazine business; my reputation comes from art direction and styling but with my naive way of doing it, it might take it to a new dimension.
TMC: You mention that there are not a lot of creative women’s magazines from a woman’s point of view. Do you feel the creative magazine world is dominated by men right now?
CB: There are no important women’s art directors out there, how come? Are we too shy? Do we lack something? I told a friend once that I would like to take that challenge and also mentioned that I then would have to deal with some habits I am not used to etc. She mentioned: “Christiane this sounds like you’re suffering from vitamin deficiency or like you’re afflicted with a disease; you’re a woman, you’re great!” Our conversation brought me to the realisation that I have to deal with being a woman and play the women’s card; to use my ability to know what women want and what we are best in. For sure there are a lot of big women’s names in the magazine industry, like Anna Wintour, Carin Roitfeld and Franka Sozzani, but I am not speaking about the big magazines run by a big publication house - I am speaking about all those little independent ones.
TMC: Does ‘I Love You’ fill the female gap? What makes ‘I Love You’ different?
CB: I don’t know if we are filling a gap and this is not the concept behind it. We are no big publishing house with a business plan looking for a gap to fill. We are doing what we love. I want to do a great women’s magazine with great photography and a self confident attitude. ‘I love you’ is sexy, it is about women for women but we don’t want to stylize them as simple sex objects, we want to show self confident women with attitude and to reassure women of being women.
The first time I saw Mad Men the TV Show I was so inspired by Joan as a woman; she is so much woman. I love her character, her body, the way she is dressed… we will do a whole issue about her as homage, coming out in November. She once said to her colleague Peggy: “If you want to be taken seriously, stop dressing like a little girl” – this could be a subtitle of the magazine.
Deep in my heart I am a feminist but I don’t see a reason why I need to express this in flat shoes and compete with men, when there are the greatest highest heels out there and we all look so hot in them.
TMC: Your first issue covers themes such as ‘Money can’t buy me love, in my sex fantasy nobody ever loves me for my mind’, – Who is the ‘I Love You’ girl?
CB: The first issue was all about sex; it was our strategy, sex sells! Just kidding, as mentioned I want to play with attitude and the self concept of a woman. Our reader is intelligent and independent, not a dump girl only looking for the latest fashion tips; although I am planning to have more great beauty tips in the coming issues. It is more about philosophy and spirituality, to encourage the reader that she is great and to love herself with a needed irony.
TMC: If she was a cake what would she be?
CB: She would of course be a Sahnetorte (German for a creamy gateau) with a cherry on top: she would look beautiful, she would be a sin, too many calories… but once you see her you wouldn’t care about calories anymore, you would enjoy it.
CB: Where can we get hold of this Goddess?
TMC: Check on We are available in Germany mostly in Berlin for sure, and in Paris at Colette, New York and L.A. at Opening Ceremony. You can also purchase it on our website now. It will come out every two months; next issue will be launched in September.
TMC: Finally what tips would you give to women trying to enter the creative magazine world, from your experience?
CB: It is for sure not easy to get it all done with no big budget backing you, but “where there is a will there is a way” and until now this has been the best lesson learned. So many great and magical things have happened to me since I started this project; it seems like if you start doing something, the universe will be arranging a way to make it happen. Never give up and never ever compromise! (This is actually a piece of advice I got from my mentor Heiko).
Get your copy online now, and support female creativity – definitely a coffee table must have.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is "I love you magazine?"
I love you magazine is a fashionmagazine for women, meant to be a printed blog, a very personal point of view.
Who are your readers?
All women, main focus on the age of 25-45. We made this for a global contemporary audience and distribute the first issue already at selected fashion epicentres in germany, france, UK and the US. „If you want to be taken serious stop dressing like a little girl!” (Joan talking to Peggy, in US TV-Show “Mad Men”)
What do you think marks "I love you magazine" from all the other mags in the hall?
First, the magazine doesn´t exist because it is trying something completely new, never seen before. Lets be honest it is still a magazine with pictures and text. The reason we are doing this is because we love what we do, thats why we started it.
I love you is not a biannual fashion bible, it will be published irregularly at least every two month for now with the aim of being spontaneous and fast.
I love you is fast, glamouros and very easy to access due to its focus on great photography and design - and less on text. It is going to focus on women only, no men, I mean really - no men. It´s a womens point of view on women. Every issue will have a theme which will not only be inspired by the latest fashion. We try to grab ideas from wherever - everything about women and the desire for fashion. Whenever we are happy with what we have on an idea for an issue we will print it. We already planned the next 4 issues and it is going to be a lot of fun.
I love you is inspiring and made to reassure women in their self-esteem. We combine quotes and aphorisms with pictures to create a strong meaning and attitude. And, after all, the project is something new – not coming from an established publishing house or system. New, at these times, is always good and appreciated, this gives you some power but also responsibility somehow.
Can you give specific examples?
At the moment people are looking for something new, instead of sitting around crying about crisis in any regards. People are so thankfull that there is someone having the courage to launch something new. Everybody has a blog, everybody is an editor now and wants to post something, wants to find something to talk about. With "I love you" we try to establish a brand and therefore we will use all new communcation tools available.
What do you think about Feld Hommes?
Feld hommes is within the german speaking countries a high gloss magazine for men with great photography, great design and is filling a needed niche. It already made its way and i am happy that there is more and more magazine coming from germany, which show the world we are not living in a fashion dessert. I spoke to the Creative Director of T Magazine (supplement of New York Times) the other day about twen magazine and Willy Fleckhaus and how important this magazine was and the great heritage we have.
The red lips on the cover – from whom?
My friend and photographer Matthias Weingärtner shot them, it is an hommage to an essential womens iconography in our western culture. I am very into vintage, I love the 60s, 70s and 80s as you might see in the new isssue coming out in September. And these are models lips, if that was your question, an ideal woman, if you want.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Mag Nation , 88 Elizabeth St., CBD, Melbourne
Mag Nation, 110-112 Greville St., Prahran, Melbourne
Ims Leuven, Diestsestraat 131, Leuven
Ims Meir Bis, Meir 125 Antwerpen
Dierckxsens-Avermaete, Melkmarkt 17, Antwerpen
Kuller SA, Avenue Rogier 431, Schaarbeek
Ims, Demerstraat 80, Hasselt
Librairie Centrale, Avenue A. Demeure 63, Sint-Gillis
Ims Meir, Meir 125, Antwerpen
Media Bascule, Chaussee de Waterloo 662, Ukkel
Librairie Full Time, Rue Sainte Walbruge 11, Liege
Once Upon A Time, Place communale 21, Linkebeek
Le Point Du Jour Lib. , Grand Rue 72, Mons
Des Bastillons Lib/Ludorama, Boulevard W.Marvis 22, Tournai
Boumal Librairie, Place Verte 42, Verviers
De la Gare Librairie, Rue Emile Dury 2, Waterloo
St. Bernard Librairie, Rue St. Bernard 135, Sint-Gillis
Du Noyer Sprl Librairie, Rue du Noyer 238, Schaarbeek
Librairie de la Trinité, Parvis de la trinité 7, Elsene
Press-center, Rue du Page 61, Elsene
Beau Rivage Librairie, Avenue R. Brassine 4, Braine-L'Alleud
Sainte-Catherine Librairie, Rue de Flandre 2, Brussel
Arts Press II, Belliardstraat 99, Etterbeek
Euro City Press, Rue Montoyer 66, Brussel
Librairie du Lombard, Rue du Lombard 39, Brussel
Bus Stop, Avenue Adolphe Buyl 12, Elsene
Doyen Librairie, Chaussée de Waterloo 589, Elsene
Bozarshop, Rue Ravenstein 15, Brussel
Press O'kay Librairie, Dreve Richelle 158/B
MMP Sprl, Avenue de la Chevalerie 15, Etterbeek
Librairie Brugmann Sprl, Tuinwijkplein 6, Jette
De Rome Librairie, Rue Jean Stas 16A, Saint-Gillis
Mapp Librairie Rectangle Soc., Rue Leon Lepage 5 Livre 3, Brussel
Pça Vilaboim, 49Cerqueira Cesar, São Paulo
Av.Paulista, 2202 Bela Vista, São Paulo
Av.Cid.Jardim, 125 Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo
R.Haddock Lobo, 1503 Bela Vista, São Paulo
R.Maria Antonia, 230 Bela Vista, São Paulo
Av.Paulista, 2093 Higienopolis, São Paulo
Vd.Nove De Julho, 185 Jardim Europa, São Paulo
R.Basilio Da Gama, 508 Santana, São Paulo
Pça. Dep.Dario De Barros, 15 Jardim Paulista, São Paulo
Al.Lorena, 1342 Jardim Universidade Pinheiros, São Paulo
Av.Brig.Faria Lima, 2232 Jardim Europa, São Paulo
Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 572 Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro
Avenida Afrânio de Melo Franco, 290 Leblon, Rio de Janeiro
Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva, 1283 Leblon, Rio de Janeiro
Avenida Erico Veríssimo, 843 Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
Rua Garcia D'Ávila, 66 Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro
Avenida das Américas, 4666 Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
DENMARK:Magasin Du Nord VIP, Kiosken Afdeling 10366,Kongens Nytorv 13, 1050 København Time's Up, Krystalgade 4, 1172 København
Sankt Annæ Kiosken, Farkh Amin, Store Kongensgade 40, 1264 København
Kihoskh, Keld Pedersen / Kihoskh A/S,Søndre Boulevard 53, 1720 København
Havnekiosken VIP, Peter Marx,Havnevej 24, 3100 Hornbæk
Billund Lufthavn A/S, Café Cumulus,Passagerterminal, 7190 Billund
Salling A/S 101160, Bogafdeling 101-160,Søndergade 27, 8000 Århus
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Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Espoo
Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Turku
Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Tampere
Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, Oulu
Stockmann, Helsinki
Stockmann, Helsinki Eastern shopping centre
Stockmann, Tampere
Stockmann, Espoo
Stockmann, Vantaa
Colette, 213, Rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris
0fr. Librairie, 20, Rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003 Paris
Librairie du Palais de Tokyo, 13 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris
Wh Smith, 28 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris
Librairie les Mots à la Bouche, 6 Rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris
Agora Presse, 19 Rue des Archives, 75004 Paris
Magasin the Lazy Dog, 25 Rue de la Charonne, 75011 Paris
The Lazy Dog / Citadium, 50 Rue de Caumartin, 75009 Paris
Andreas Murkurdis, Münzstr.23, Berlin
Buchhandlung Walter König, Burgstr. 27, 10672 Berlin
Department Store Quartier 206, Friedrichstraße 71, Berlin
Do you read me?, Auguststraße 28, Berlin
Motto, Skalitzer Strasse 68, 10997 Berlin
Pro Qm, Alte Schönhauser Str.48, Berlin
Temporary Showroom, Kastanienallee 36a, 10435 Berlin
Apropos Düsseldorf, Benrather Str. 15, 40213 Düsseldorf
Apropos Köln, Mittelstrasse 3, 50672 Köln
Buchhandlung Deichtorhallen, Deichtorstraße 1 - 2, 20095 Hamburg
Boys Boys Boys, Neuer Kamp 19, 20359 Hamburg
SSAW Store, Eberhardstraße 6A, Rgb Eichstraße, 70173 Stuttgart
Soda, Rumfordstraße 3, 80469 München
and all major airports and train stations
Coffe'n Television, Via San Bernardino 22, Bergamo
Mondadori Retail Spa, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Milan
Multicenter Mondadori Duomo rep. Edicola, Piazza Duomo, Milan
Skitsch, Via Monte di Pietà 11, Milan
Libreria Hoepli, Via Ulrico Hoepli, Milan
Dinamica +, Corso Venezia, Milan
Mondadori Retail Spa, Via del Corso, Roma
Kiosks, Via Veneto, Roma
Librerie Feltrinelli Srl, Via S. Francesco, Padova
Librerie Pulici, Viale Milano, Riccione
Librerie Feltrinelli Srl, Via Banchi di Sopra, Siena
Libreria Senese, Via di Città 64, Siena
Lib. Internazionale "Luxembourg", Via Cesare Battisti, Turin
Gall del Libro, Via R. Margherita 33, Viareggio
Galla Libransi, bookstore, Contra delle Morette 4, Vicenza
Standardbookstore, Ocrystagrandbuilding 2-2-12, Nishishinsaibashi, Huo-ku, Osaka City
Kinokuniya BookstoreKLCC, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur
Mph-mid Valley, G26A(1), No.5 Jalan SS16/1, Subang Jaya, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,
Popular Book Co. (M) s/b- Sunway Pyramid
The Agent-Green Height Mall, Berjaya Times Square Level 5 Shop 38, 39, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
290 square meters, Houtkopersdwarsstraat 3, 1011 NK Amsterdam
Ako Amersfoort, Stationsplein 55, 3818LE Amersfoort
Bijenkorf, Gallery 68, 1181ZP Amstelveen
Ako Beethovenstr., Beethovenstraat 42, 1077JJ Amsterdam
Ako Cs Hal, Stationsplein 13-HAL, 1012AB Amsterdam
Ako Cs Tunnel NRD2 7000801 Stationsplein-TUN, 1012AB Amsterdam
Ako Reguliersbreest, Reguliersbereestraat 19, 1017CL Amsterdam
Ako Slot.Dijk, Orlyplein 99, 1043DT Amsterdam
Ako Wtc-Zuid, Zuidplein 10, 1077XV Amsterdam
Bijenkorf, Damrak 90, 1012LP Amsterdam
Bk.&Kbkh, Corn. Schuytstraat 14, 1071JH Amsterdam
Bkh. Athenaeum/spui, Spui 14-16, 1012XA Amsterdam
Bookshop Leidsestr., Leidesstraat 106, 1017PG Amsterdam
Bruna, Scheldestraat 47. 1078GG Amsterdam
Bruna BKH, Oosteilijke Handelskade 1061-1063, 1019BW Amsterdam
Bruna BKH, Olympiaplein 127, 1077CX Amsterdam
Bruna BKH, Van Woustraat 90, 1073LP, Amsterdam
Island Bookstore, Westerstraat 62, 1078NL Amsterdam
Selexyz Scheltema, Koningsplein 20, 1017BB Amsterdam
Tabaktief Bestseller, Kinkerstraat 315, 1053 Amsterdam
Utig.en.Bkh. Jimmink BV, Rooseveltlaan 62, 1078Nl Amsterdam
Ventura Books & Magazines, Overtoom 8-1, 1054HH Amsterdam
Zwart Op Wit, Utrechtsestraat 149, 1017VM Amsterdam
Bruna, Stationsplein, 155 6811KL Arnhem
Bkh. Thomas, Stationsstraat 7-9, 1861G Bergen NH
Papyrium, Bloemendaalseweg 78-80, 2061CN Bloemendaal
Selexyz Gianotten, De Barones 63, 4811XZ Breda
The Read Shop, Wijnhaven 9, 2611CR Delft
Selexyz Adr. Heinen, Kerkstraat 27, 5211KD Den Bosch
Ako Den Haag, Stationsplein 49, 2515BW, Den Haag
Ako Scheveningen, Gevers Deynootweg 900-58, 2586BZ Den Haag
Bijenkorf, Wagenstraat 32, 2512AX, Den Haag
Bruna, Kon. Julianaplein 10, 2595AA, Den Haag
Kbkh. Vulpen, Frederik Hendriklaan 179, 2582CA Den Haag
Paagman Den Haag Bv, Frederik Hendriklaan 217, 2582CB Den Haag
Selexyz Verwijs, De Passage 39, 2511AB, Den Haag
Bijenkorf, Piazza 1, 5611AE, Eindhoven
Bruna, Stationsplein 1-B, 5611Ab Eindhoven
Bruna, Neckerspoel 18, 5611AD Eindhoven
Seleyxz Van Piere, nieuwe Emmasingel 44, 5611AM Eindhoven
Seleyxz Scholt/WRIS, Guldenstraat 20, 9712CE, Gronningen
Athenaeum Haarlem, Gedempte oude Gractht 70, 2011GT Haarlem,
Ako Hilversum, Stationsplein 11, 1211EX Hilversum
De Lektuurhal, Over de Kleders 10, 8911JE Leeuwarden
Ako Leiden, Stationsplein 1-C, 2312AJ Leiden
Magazines 4 You, Breestraat 107, 2311CL Leiden
Fa. Purnot, Stationsplein 1-C, 6221BT Maastricht
Selexyz Dominicanen, Domenikanerstraat 1, 6211CZ Maastricht
Libris de Drukkery, Markt 51, 4331lk Middelburg
Tijdschriftenhandel A-Z, Biss. Hamerstraat 10, 6511NB Nijmegen
Kbkh. De Gruyter, Brederodelaan 2 3353GG Papendrecht
Bijenkorf, Coolsingel 105, 3012AG, Rotterdam
Bruna, Stationsplein 332, 3013AK Rotterdam
Selexyz Donner, Lijnbaan 150, 3012ER Rotterdam
Bruna, Stationstraverse 9, 3511CE Utrecht
Bruna, Stationshal 8, 3511CE, Utrecht
Selexyz Broese, Stadhuisbrug 5, 3511KP Utrecht
Daily Shop Wassenaar, Langstraat 192-A, 2242JZ Wassenaar
Bruna, Stationsplein 1-A, 8011CW Zwolle
Libris Waanders Bkvk., Eiland 9, 8011XR Zwolle
Mag Nation, 100 Queen Street, Auckland
Mag Nation, 123 Ponsonby Road, Ponsonby, Auckland
Mag Nation, Sylvia Park Shopping Centre, Mt. Wellington, Auckland
Tema Soc. Divulg.Lojas (51), C. Com. Xenon, Av. Liberd, Lisboa
Pap. Papeluxo, Lda., R. Marcelino Mesquita, Linda A Velha
Tema, Lda., C. Com. Colombo, Loja, Lisboa
Tabacaria Alvorada, Norte Shopping, Loja 50, Matosinhos
Tab. Bel. Artes-Adelaide Correia, R. Morgado Mateus, Porto
Livraria Bertrand-Soc. Com. Liv. S, C. Comercial Amoreiras, Lisboa
Princesinha-Pap. Tab. Lda., Rua Da Cedofeita 488, Porto
Tabacaria Santo Antonio, R 31 De Janeiro 20- R/C, Porto
Tab. Fonte da Moura, Av. Antunes Guimaraes, Lisboa
El Corte Ingles Grandes Armazens, Av. Ant. Aug. Aguiar 31 D, Lisboa
Lopes Ferreira E Gomes Lda, Rua do Loreto N: 54, Lisboa
Zemajo Unipessoal Lda., Rua Helena Vieira Silv, Matosinhos
Prescenter Cigarrette Lda., Qta Da Alagoa Palacio, Viseu
Tema-Soc. Div. Lojas Lda., Rua Tomas Da Anunciacao, Lisboa
Tema-Soc. Div. Lojas Lda., Rua Goncalves Sampaio, Porto
Valentina Monteiro, Unipessoal, L, Rua Helena Vieira Silv, Matosinhos
Infortitulos Unipessoal Lda., El Corte Ingles- Gaia, Avintes
Liv. Bertrand-Soc. Comerc. Liv. Sa., Rua Anchieta, NR. 17, Lisboa
Papelaria Liv. Barata, Avenida De Roma 11 A, Lisboa
Allscript Establishment (M) sdn BHD, 605A Macpherson road, #04-04 Citimac
Indusrial complex,Singapore 368240, Lot 886, Unit B-7, Jalan Subang 9,
Taman Perindustrian Subang, off Jalan Puchong Hicom, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Borders Pte Ltd, Wheelock Place #01-00, 501 Orchard Road, (S) 238880
Kinokuniya Bookstores-Negee Ann City, 391B Orchard Road, #13-06/07/08 Ngee Ann City Tower B 23, Singapore 238874
Miracle Tradex, 391B Orchard Road, #13-06/07/08 Ngee Ann City Tower B 23, Page on Singapore pte ltd,
Vivocity, 1 Harbourfont Walk, #02-41/42 VivoCity, Singapore 098585
Borders-Berjaya Book sdn bhd-The Curves, No.3, Jalan PJU 3/48 Sunway Technology Park, Sunway Damansara Petaling Jaya 47810
Papercut, Krukmakargatan 24-26, 118 51 Stockholm
Magma Books, 117-119 Clerkenwell Road, London
Good News, 23 Berwick Street, London
Wardour News, 118 Wardour Street, London
Fulham News, 200 Fulham Road, London
Selfridges, 400 Oxford Street, London
Waterstones c/o Harrodsm, Knightsbridge, London
Terrys News Stand, Gt M'Bourogh Street, London
Botteril, 68 Old Compton Street, London
Roccoco, 12 Elgin Cres, London
Marshall News, 11 Marshall Street, London
Lauries, 66 Charlotte Street, London
M2 Covent Garden, 30-35 Drury Lane, London
Barbican News, 34 Goswell Road, London
R D Franks, 5 Winsley Street, London
Shreeji, 6 Chiltern Street, London
Castle News, 34 East Castle Street, London
Top News, 14 East Castle Street, London
Newsmart (Harewood), 7 Harewood Place, London
Berrys No.3, Newman Street, London
Rayden Newsagent, Aldwych, London
Press Bureau (213) Ltd, 213 Brompton Road, London
Magma-Covent Garden, Earlham Street, London
Magma-Clerkenwell, 117 Clerkewell Road, London
Soho Original B/S C.Rouen, 125 Charing X, London
Artwords (Schoreditch), Rivington Street, London
Magma-Manchester, Manchester
Daily News, Bradford
City News, Brighton E Sussex
Jans Newsagents, Cockfosters Herts
Artwords (Broadway Market), London
GmbH, Glasgow
Gagosian , 988 Madison Avenue, New York
Generra, 823 Washington Street, New York
Opening Ceremony, 35 Howard Street, New York
Opening Ceremony, 451 North La Cienega Boulevard, Los Angeles
Maryam Nassir Zadeh, 123 Norfolk Street (at rivington), New York
Off-City, 195 Bedford Avenue, New York
Spoonbill And, 218 Bedford Avenue, New York
Candy Store, 502 A Myrtle Avenue, New York
American Newstand &, 5017 Avenue N, New York
Bay Quick Mart, 1494 Sheepshead Bay Road, New York
Afreen Enterprises, 204 Bedford Avenue, New York
Dekalb Convience, 249 Dekalb Avenue, New York
Sahil Inc, 727 Fulton Street, New York
Stationery, 100 Henry Street, New York
Cobbill, 304 Court St, New York
Sakaman Candy, 6821 4th Avenue, New York
Metro Grocery Candy, 15 08 Metropolitan Avenue, New York
Deli grocery Candy, 152 E 188Th St, New York
Acts 29 Stationery, 3401 Jerome Avenue, New York
Fanara Grocery, 21 01 Williamsbridge, New York
NY Newsday Newstand, 79 Westchester SQ, New York
Leesa Candy Store, 980 Jenning Street, New York
News Services LLC S, 1058 Chapel Street, New York
Singhal Brothers, 90 Railroad Avenue, New York
Stationery Quick, 312 Main Street, New York
Gaash Inc., 987 Lexington Avenue, New York
Bj News, 670 Lexington Avenue/56 St, New York
Rusha Store, 302 East 50 Th St, New York
Subway News Stand, 1250 6 Avenue/ 49 St, New York
Magazine Cafe, 15 W 37 Street, New York
M+T News, 1440 Broadway +/6 Avenue, New York
Candy Store, 39 W 32Nd St, New York,
News Stand #2, 42 St Lexington Avenue, New York
Park People News, N/W Corner 53 St 3 Avenue, New York
Newsstand, N/E 58 Street 3Avenue, New York
Newstand, N/W 60Th St & 3Rd Avenue, New York
Convenience Store, 1149 1St Avenue, New York
News & Discount, 1198 1St Avenue & 65 St, New York
Mikes Convenience, 1448 1St Avenue, New York
Rabia Grocery, 1490 1St Avenue, New York
Love Star News Inc, 501 E 86 Street, New York
Sar Mag Dba Bj Mag, 1819 2nd Avenue/ 94St, New York
Amazing Store, 1364 Lexington Avenue, New York
News Stand *, N/E 86 St & Lexington, New York
Lexington Avenue Ms, 1136 Lexington Avenue B, New York
Akshar Krupa Inc A&A, 838 Lexington Avenue B, New York
News Stand Subway, 60Th St & 5Th Avenue, New York
Adams News & Tobacs, 1165 2nd Avenue, New York
News Stand, N/E Corner 23St 3 Avenue, New York
Lucky News and Comm, 248 E 23 Street, New York
Gramercy corner, 245 3Rd Avenue, New York
Punjab on 3 Rd Corp, 220 3Rd Avenue, New York
Bollywood Corner, 136 E 28 th St, New York
Abdo Discount, 482 3Rd Avenue, New York
Helen Newstand, 14 St Union Square E/4 Avenue, New York
Newstand Managment, 14 Union Square, New York
Tony, 146 2Avenue/9-10 St, New York
Deli Grocery, 123 2nd Avenue, New York
Village Magazine &, 102 2nd Avenue, New York
Newstand in Building, 770 Broadway 9Th Street, New York
Mark Brown Newstand, 25 University Place, New York
Union Square News, 100 West 14 Th St, New York
Greenwich Village, 33A Greenwich Avenue, New York
N N News, Inc., 317 6 Avenue, New York
A & R News, 110 West Houston / Allen, New York
Stanton Grocery, 86 Stanton Street, New York
Village Food Valley, 240 East Houston Ct, New York
Ave A Ink on A, 66 Avenue A, New York
Steve Food Center, 79 Ave A E 5 St, New York
Tompkin Square Deli, 153 Avenue A, New York
Lotto And Magazine, 430 East 14Th St./Avenue A, New York
News Stand, NW 31 Street/Broadway, New York
Newstand, 50 West 34Th St, New York
Baja News Cafe, 107 W 37 St/6Avenue/Broadway, New York
News on 23Rd Inc, 171 W 23St, New York
Subway Aceline, 14 Street 8 Avenue, New York
9Th Gift Shop, 120 9th Avenue, New York
Shelly Gift Shop, 54 8th Avenue, New York
Hudson Square News, 225 Varick St, New York
BJ's Magazines, 200 Varick St / King, New York
Newstand, S/E Park Place, New York
Down Town New, 149 Church Street, New York
Candy Store, 165 Church Street, New York
Harry's Convenience, 2 John Street, New York
Newstand, 76 Broad Street, New York
News Stand, 44 Wall Street/ William, New York
Newsstand, S/E Wall St & William Street, New York
Jameel Stationery, 23 James Pl/ Pearl Street, New York
Midtown News Grocery, 2578 Broadway/W 97 Street, New York
Newstand, 57Th St & 8Th Avenue, New York
D & H Lobby Newstand, 1411 Broadway, New York
News Stand, N W 38 Street 7 Avenue, New York
Candy Store, 729 8th Avenue, New York
International Smoke, 809 8Th Avenue, New York
London Grocery, 250 10th Avenue, New York
Newstand / Downtown, 50th Street / Broadway, New York
Shami Smoke &, 30 Lincoln Plaza, New York
Yogi Newstand, 1208 W 69 St Broadway, New York
Newstand/Infront, S/W 72 Nd & 71 St St, New York
New Stand, S/E 72 St Amsterdam Ave., New York
Ozaka News, 118 W 72 Nd St, New York
Amazing Store &, 208 Columbus Ave./69 Th St., New York
PT & AA Discount, 273 Amsterdam Ave., New York
Broadway News & Mas, 2175 Broadway B, New York
News Stand *, NW 74 Street Broadway, New York
Zaman Newstand, 81 St And Central Park W, New York
Urben News Corp., N.W 79 St Broadway, New York
Union News, 2218 Broadway B, New York
K & S Conv. Store, 2350 Broadway/ 85-86 St, New York
News Stand, 91 Street Broadway, New York
News Stand, S/W 93 Street Broadway, New York
M & D Westside, 2528 Broadway, New York
Grocery Candy, 2732, New York
J & R News & Groces, 2795 Broadway B, New York
Book Culture, 536 W 112Th Street B, New York
New Stand, 650 W 168 Street, New York
News Stand, S/W CNR 177 Th & Broadway
News Stand, 4211 Broadway & 187Th Street, New york
Last Stop, 4973 B'Dway / Isham Street, New York
Smoke Shop, 118 Delancey Street / Essex Street, New York
Universal News, 977 8Th Avenue B, New York
Universal News, 1383 Avenue Of Americas B, New York
Around The World, 28 West 40Th St B, New York
Universal Newstand, 29 West 35Th St B, New York
Nilesh, 364 West 23rd St, New York
7th Avenue, 200 7Th Avenue, New York
Universal News, 50 West 23 Rd St, New York
Universal News, 11 West 14 th St, New York
International News, 108 University Place, New York
A & P Enterprises, 488 6Th Avenue, New York
Nicky Smoke Magazine, 462 6 Avenue / 11Th St, New York
Choice News Inc, 639 Broadway, New York
Village One Store, 551 Hudson street, New York
Etc News, 337 Bleecker Street, New York
Global News Inc, 22 8 Th Avenue, New York
Parsley Sage, 73 7 Th Avenue South, New York
Soho News Int, 186 Prince Street, New York
Lafayette Smoke Shs, 63 Spring Street, New York
McNally Robinson BS, 52 Prince Street, New York
St. Mark book, 31 3Rd Avenue, New York
Jem Spa Inc., 131 2nd Avenue, New York
Universal News, 106 e. 23Rd St. Bet Park, New York
Oxford News &, 504 3Rd Avenue, New York
A To Z Magazine, 22-44 31St Avenue, New York
Shaha Grocery, 82-06 37Th Avenue, New York
Optimo 1, 66-93 Freshpond Rd, New York
Germany: Saarbach, Huerth, +49 2233 799670,
Europe/USA/Asia: Export Press, Paris, tel +33 1 40291454,